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The Stalker, The Drifter & The Vitalogist on Kickstarter

Thuis escape room

The first three escape games from Owner Unknown are live on Kickstarter, awaiting your backing. If we reach our set goal of € 15,000,- we can start to convert the games into English en Germain. Back us up on Kickstarter, unlock your own langue and choose your reward as our backer!

Translations and much more

It comes down to kickstarting your own language. Because the games are originally developed in Dutch, from the case they come in, to the end-video and everything in between your hours of thrilling playing time. With these funds we can safely start converting every detail of these games, the puzzles, the physical props, the online hints pages. They need translating, reprinting, pressing, handling and ultimately sending out.

Shared excitement in any language

That is why we ask you kindly to back us up. Only then we can guarantee you the right detail and exactly the high level of gameplay we aim for and are appreciated for in The Netherlands. Life-like storytelling, detailed materials and exiting to play. Of course, we would very much like to share that level of gameplay and shared excitement with your family and friends, with everybody everywhere!

Follow us on our socials Facebook and Instagram and through our newsletter. We will keep you up to date on alle of our plans for new game boxes and our running Kickstarter campaign.

P.S. Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is a popular crowdfunding platform that allows creators to raise money for various projects by receiving pledges from backers. These projects span diverse categories like technology, arts, games, music, and design. Creators set a funding goal and a deadline, and if the goal is met through backer contributions, the project receives the funds to proceed. Backers, in return, often receive rewards or early access to products. If the goal isn’t reached, no money is collected, so you won’t lose a dime. Check our Owner Unknown pledge. Will you back us up?

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